ransomware (Page 8)

Ransomware groups are always looking for ways to make their attacks more efficient, which involves doing as much damage as possible to victims. According to recent security reports, the GriefRead More →

Cybersecurity specialists report the detection of a banking Trojan for Android devices that has advanced capabilities, including features for denial of service (DoS), Man-in-The-Middle (MiTM) attacks and ransomware infections, inRead More →

The Japanese company Olympus confirmed the detection of a ransomware incident affecting its networks. According to the report, the variant in question was identified as BlackMatter and could be relatedRead More →

In a recent statement, the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) publicly acknowledges its concern about the activity of some hacking groups currently abusing a flaw previously addressed in SonicWallRead More →