Information Security (Page 70)

Let’s Encrypt is currently the most important certification authority for Transport Layer Security (TLS) encryption thanks to its sophisticated automated processes for validating, signing, installing and renewing certificates for secureRead More →

According to a report by security firm Comparitech, the confidential information of more than 106 million tourists in Thailand was exposed on the Internet without any protection, leaking confidential recordsRead More →

Ransomware groups are always looking for ways to make their attacks more efficient, which involves doing as much damage as possible to victims. According to recent security reports, the GriefRead More →

Most users of computers, smartphones, and other technology deployments ignore many functions of these devices and the proper methods to protect the information they contain, demonstrating the lack of efficientRead More →

From next September, the Chinese authorities will require that any citizen who finds a zero-day vulnerability report it to the government, so they will not be able to send itRead More →

Penetration testing is one of the most important stages of any security analysis, so researchers should always have the best tools in this process. On this occasion, cybersecurity experts fromRead More →