Hacking Tools (Page 3)

Exploiting vulnerabilities detected in previous versions of Log4j remains a severe issue, so the cybersecurity community is still looking for the best ways to prevent a cyberattack. However, some usersRead More →

Pip-audit is a tool developed in collaboration with Google for scanning Python environments and detecting possible known security flaws. According to cybersecurity experts, Pip-audit uses the PyPi JSON API forRead More →

Although sometimes the concept has a negative connotation, hacking can be very useful for totally legitimate purposes in various fields, including the use of smart devices. According to mobile hackingRead More →

In its latest investigation, Palo Alto Networks’ Unit 42 detailed how a group of unknown hackers has used a number of malicious tools to spy on enterprise networks in theRead More →

Malicious payloads in a ransomware infection and other malware variants can be hidden using multiple methods, some of which are somewhat unusual and might seem like an element out ofRead More →

Cybersecurity experts report that, despite efforts to take it down, the MyKings botnet is still active and generating an incredible amount of money for its operators nearly five years afterRead More →

The use of remote management tools is becoming more common in public and private organizations around the world, especially due to the pandemic. While these tools have a legitimate use,Read More →

Ethical hacking is a field in constant evolution, so it is necessary that researchers are always informed about the latest trends in terms of tactics, hacking groups and security tools.Read More →

In their latest research, Microsoft security teams detected a phishing campaign using more than 300,000 unique subdomains used in all sorts of attacks. The detection of these domains eventually ledRead More →