cybersecurity (Page 41)

The government of Switzerland has transferred to the United States a total of $15,111, 1453.84, representing the illicit proceeds obtained by an Internet advertising fraud scheme orchestrated by Kazakh citizensRead More →

The U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) confirmed that Brazilian citizen Gustavo De Avila Moreira Farinha has pleaded guilty to participating in a wire fraud scheme, accepting charges of money laundering,Read More →

In its most recent release, the operators of the Sysrv botnet included new exploits to use new vulnerabilities, posing a serious threat to Windows and Linux systems. Identified as Sysrv-K,Read More →

Shadowserver Foundation, a non-profit security organization dedicated to collecting and analyzing data on malicious Internet activities, undertook a project to scan the Internet for Kubernetes API servers, finding some 380kRead More →

In a recently filed criminal complaint, the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) revealed that Moises Luis Zagala Gonzalez, a 55-year-old French-Venezuelan doctor, is the primary developer of Thanos, a dangerousRead More →

Hackers from the Conti ransomware group claim to have attacked members of the General Intelligence Directorate of Peru’s Ministry of the Interior (DIGIMIN), leading to the leak of confidential detailsRead More →

A recent research has shown that various tracking, marketing and analytics companies have collected the email addresses of users who fill out web forms before their responses are sent andRead More →

Rapid7 cybersecurity specialists report that thousands of Zyxel firewalls could be exposed to remote attacks due to a recently detected vulnerability. While the company has already released the corresponding patches,Read More →