Vulnerabilities (Page 30)

Cyber Security Vulnerabilities | Infosec Vulnerabilities | Information Security Vulnerabilities | Bug bounty

Check Point cybersecurity specialists reported the discovery of four vulnerabilities in Microsoft Office that could be exploited for the creation of malicious documents in Word and Excel, which would facilitateRead More →

VMware security teams announced the remediation of a critical vulnerability in the vCenter Server platform whose exploitation would allow threat actors to take complete control of the affected system. TheRead More →

System administrators face all kinds of problems on a daily basis. For example, suppose Linux has been deployed as a server in a datacenter due to the reliability and securityRead More →

Belgian cybersecurity specialist Mathy Vanhoef reported the finding of multiple vulnerabilities residing in the WiFi standard that could affect any device sold over the past 24 years. The flaws, dubbedRead More →

A recent report from security firm Qualys details the finding of multiple security vulnerabilities in the popular email transfer agent Exim, employed on the most important email servers. According toRead More →