Vulnerabilities (Page 29)

Cyber Security Vulnerabilities | Infosec Vulnerabilities | Information Security Vulnerabilities | Bug bounty

Just a couple of weeks after a hacking group forced the deletion of files on My Book Live network storage (NAS) devices, a security report revealed some details about aRead More →

Cybersecurity specialists report the detection of a critical vulnerability in OWASP ModSecurity Core Rule Set (CRS), whose exploitation would allow threat actors to bypass security mechanisms in affected deployments, includingRead More →

Cybersecurity experts report the detection of a set of vulnerabilities in Apache Web Server, a modular, high-performance reverse proxy server, generally comparable to Nginx and Squid. According to the report,Read More →

Cybersecurity specialists reported the discovery of at least 15 flaws in Centreon, an open source solution for monitoring applications, systems and networks based on Nagios concepts. According to the report,Read More →

Chipmaker NVIDIA announced the fix of some security flaws that could impact millions of Internet of Things (IoT) devices running Jetson chips. According to the report, exploiting these flaws wouldRead More →

Schneider Electric security teams reported the discovery of a set of critical vulnerabilities in its PowerLogic EGX100 and PowerLogic EGX3000 communication solutions, which are part of the company’s family ofRead More →