Mr. Robot is a TV series that tells the story of Elliot Alderson, a young information security specialist who suffers from serious personality disorders and ends up getting involved with a mysterious anarchist hacker and a group known as fsociety, whose mission is to try to eliminate all credit records in the world. While the series shows a fictional side of hacking, the plot is based on some real premises, including the ability to perform hacking tasks from a mobile device.
This time, pentesting specialists from the International Institute of Cyber Security (IICS) will show you FSOCIETY, a hacking repository for Termux, the popular terminal emulator for Android, which works directly without the need for a rooted device and without having to make complicated configurations.
Installation is probably the easiest step. Go to the terminal and enter the following commands:
pkg update
pkg upgrade
pkg install git
pkg install python2
pkg install python
git clone
pip2 install requests
cd fsociety
chmod +x
The result should look similar to the following screenshot:
Information gathering is a pentesting process that involves the use of multiple tools. In FSOCIETY you can find tools such as Nmap, Setoolkit Port Scanning, Host to IP, CMS scanners, XSStrike, Dork – Google Dorks Passive Vulnerability Auditor, among others, as mentioned by pentesting specialists.
This repository includes tools for password attacks, including CUPP, Bruterx, among others.
You can find multiple tools for wireless pentesting, including Reaver and Pixiewps.
Exploitation tools allow the attacker to abuse some flaws in any service. FSOCIETY includes tools such as ARSCAN, SQLmap, Shellnoob, COMMIX, JBoss-autopwn, automatic SQL injection software, Bruteforce Android Passcode, Joomla SQL Injection Scanner, among others, pentesting experts mentioned.
User monitoring involves intercepting information, injecting data into network packets over TCP/IP, among other tasks. This repository includes Setoolkit, SSLStrip, pyPISHER, and SMTP Mailer.
FSOCIETY includes powerful web pentesting tools as well as content management systems. Here you can find Drupal Hacking, Inurlbr, WordPress Scanner and Joomla Scanner.
The private web hacking section consists of the following tools:
- Get Joomla Websites
- Get WordPress Websites
- Finder Panel
- Find Zip Files
- Finder File Downloader
- Get Server Users
- SQLi Scanner
- Port Scan
- Bypass Cloudflare
In this section you can find tools like Shell Checker, POET and Weeman.
Please note that this material was prepared for entirely academic purposes, so misuse of this information is not the responsibility of IICS. To learn more about information security risks, malware variants, vulnerabilities and information technologies, feel free to access the International Institute of Cyber Security (IICS) websites.
He is a cyber security and malware researcher. He studied Computer Science and started working as a cyber security analyst in 2006. He is actively working as an cyber security investigator. He also worked for different security companies. His everyday job includes researching about new cyber security incidents. Also he has deep level of knowledge in enterprise security implementation.